GPS Software for Google Earth
GPS Software for Google Earth
by Greg Heppenstall
by Greg Heppenstall
February 2012
Canada Download
Yes, you can pre-load and use Google Earth Offline!
If you need a Windows App to... Consider
  • Display, track and record your real-time position via GPS/GLONASS
  • Download and display Tracks/Waypoints saved on Garmin GPS receivers
  • Display and playback recorded tracks and logs
  • Geo-locate and display your Photos, automatically
  • Display, track and record your real-time position via GPS/GLONASS
  • Download and display Tracks/Waypoints saved on Garmin GPS receivers
  • Display recorded tracks and logs
  • Function as an NMEA Server or NMEA Client via TCP/IP
  • Load the Google Earth Image Cache (arbitrary zone shape)
  • Load the Google Earth Image Cache (simple zone shape)
  • Monitor NMEA-0183 Sentences. View GPS/GLONASS position.
  • Display and track multiple, real-time GPS/GLONASS positions
    using NMEA-0183
  • Display and track multiple, real-time GPS/GLONASS positions
    using NMEA-0183 over TCP/IP
  • Connect bi-directionally an NMEA-0183 Serial Port and a TCP/IP network
NMEA Client
  • Share a single NMEA-0183 Source among several applications
    and computers, using a multi-client TCP/IP network
NMEA Server