GPS Software for Google Earth
GPS Software for Google Earth
by Greg Heppenstall
by Greg Heppenstall

NMEA COM Check 1.5
is a verification tool for the NMEA-0183 source connected to your Serial Port, USB-Serial Port adapter or Virtual Serial Port.
- Verify system setup - NMEA source, COM Port, Bit rate, Checksum validity.
- Display received NMEA sentences.
- Indicate receipt of valid position statements RMC, GGA and GLL.
- Display current Latitude, Longitude and GMT.
- Indicate receipt of GSV statements.
- Display relative quality of satellite signals.
- Use any NMEA-0183 source: GPS, GLONASS, etc
- Select NMEA standard bit rate 4800 or other rates 300 to 115200.
- Use any Serial Port COM 1 to COM 256.
- Windows 2000, XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10 (32-bit, 64 bit)
- GPS Receiver or other NMEA-0183 source.
- A Serial COM Port (Physical/Bluetooth/Virtual/USB-Adapter)