GPS Software for Google Earth
GPS Software for Google Earth
by Greg Heppenstall
by Greg Heppenstall
February 2012

NMEA Client 2.0
A bi-directional bridge for NMEA-0183 communications between a Serial COM Port and a TCP/IP Server.
- Transmit the NMEA Sentences received via
TCP/IP to a Serial Port. - Transmit the NMEA Sentences received via
Serial Port to a TCP/IP network. - Operate as a TCP/IP Client connected to a
user-selected Server IP Address and Port Number. - Several instances of NMEA Client can be
run simultaneously. - Compatible with Bonavista, Tallon
and NMEA Server
- Use any available Serial Port COM 1 to COM 256.
- Use the NMEA standard bit rate 4800,
or any other basic rate 300 to 115200. - Serial Ports can be physical, USB-adapter, Bluetooth or Virtual.
- Display local Host IP Address.
- Display current Latitude, Longitude and GMT.
- Indicate receipt of valid position Sentences
RMC, GGA and GLL, and any other
NMEA Sentence, OTH. - Connect and disconnect manually.
- Re-connect automatically, upon
start-up and after any network drop-outs. - Indicate status of TCP/IP and Serial connections.
- All settings are saved and restored between
- A Serial and/or TCP/IP source of NMEA-0183 Sentences
(such as Tallon, NMEA Server, etc) - A Local Area Network (wired or wireless).
- A Serial COM Port (Physical/Bluetooth/Virtual/USB-Adapter)
- Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10 (32-bit, 64-bit)